Education (all levels):
The Food You Eat:
Health (mental and physical):
- Preventing Cosmetic Surgery on Teenagers
- Stop Out-dated & Dangerous Mental Health Treatments
- Providing Free Epipens on College Campuses
- More Ethical and Accurate Research without Animal Testing
- Physician's Aid in Dying
- Medical Marijuana
Sports (all levels):
- Keeping Targeting Rules in the NFL
- Changing Offensive Mascots: D.C. Redskins
- Creating more Allied Sports Teams - High School
- Expanding Unified Sports Teams
- A Compromise to Paying Student Members of the NCAA
- Providing Health Care to the Lower Classes
Popular Culture:
- Laws Restricting Paparazzi
- Children's Exposure to Adult Video Games
- Why J.K Rowling Should Continue Contributing to the Wizarding World
- Media Coverage: Covering too much for too long
Social Issues:
- Maintaining the Ban on Partial-birth Abortions
- Lowering the Drinking Age
- Helping Illegal Immigrants
- Extending Unemployment Benefits for Families
- Flordia Snake Ban
- Bringing Back the Death Penalty
- Choosing Adoption over Abortion
- Stopping the Legalization of Euthanasia
- International Adoption
- Handguns and Rifles Deserve Different Treatment in Gun Restriction
- Allowing Gay Parents to Adopt
- Marijuana - Legalization Issues